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Transitional Housing &

Self-reliance Programs

Homeless Outreach Office

Real Change must be built on the foundation of self-reliance and providing the real help that is desperately needed out on our streets.


We have been educating the homeless and needy since 2010 with our Life Skills workshops that focus on Self-reliance and Relapse Prevention. We hope to educate everyone on the magnitude of this effort. 


Our Mission

Ending homelessness through Low-cost Housing and Life Skills programs that include Self-reliance and Relapse Prevention. Truly ....A TALL ORDER"


Our outreach office is located in downtown Salt Lake City at 428 W. 300 S. next to the Rio Grande Depot. We opened our office to provide the public a clear and possible path to end homelessness for each individual willing to invest the time and work needed to obtain it.


Some of our services include:

  • Job skills training including Resume building sessions 

  • Self-reliance workshops

  • Relapse Recovery

  • AA Meetings

  • Job placements through local temporary work services

  • Housing referral services

  • Safe boxes for valuables

  • Private sessions that build confidence and hope.


We also offer resource provider referral services to the homeless that include immediate shelter, food, counseling and medical services.

Transitional Housing

True success in housing our homeless friends heavily depends on transitional housing. HomeInn provides more that 120 low-cost housing units in the Salt Lake City area. We are the leading non-profit provider of transitional housing in the state of Utah.


Transitional housing must provide the following essential elements for homeless to bridge the gap to a stable life. 


  • Stabilizing period to get money saved to transition to better housing. 

  • Low-cost housing entry point with no required deposits. 

  • Small housing steps as income increases.

  • Sober Living environment.

  • Time to learn new Life Skills.


We have accomplished all of these in our tranitional housing (HomeInn) and 501(c)3 non-profit foundation (A Tall Order Foundation).



We work with homeless to begin work of finding identification paperwork, safe practices at homeless shelter, assess immediate service providers to meet medical/dental needs, assign safety deposit boxes (that provide address away from homeless shelter).


Low Housing Entry 

All guests who qualify for housing enter our program at $225/month rent that includes all utilities. We do not charge any deposits or other fees.


Housing Step Increases

We offer gradual increases sized housing units that are available as ability to pay improves and rules are adhered to.


Time To Build Future

Housing privileges are extended every 6 months as guests demonstrate ability to follow rules, stay drug free, give service in community and complete Self-reliance courses. 


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Self-Reliance Groups

"Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime"


We all know how much truth is in this famous proverb. We pattern our workshops around learning skills that will bring real change in the individual.


Our workshop discussions are patterned after a set of principles that apply in all aspects of life if a person wants to succeed and become self-reliant.


  • Building essential FOUNDATION  on honesty and hard work.

  • Gaining or regaining the DESIRE to have more than what you can get with your "hand out".

  • Beginning your better time to start than now.

  • Finding the essential MENTORS to show you the proven path to peace and security. We have quarterly meetings with inspiring guest speakers.

  • We hold workshops on budgeting and sound financial principles.

  • Gaining the needed EDUCATION to make your quest possible.

  • Making a PLAN and putting it in writing to be modified...not chiseled in stone.

  • Setting to WORK learning that nothing comes without work...and lots of it.

Low-Cost No-Deposit Housing

We know that success in ending homelessness depends heavily on stabilizing lives and finding immediate and affordable housing. 


We partner with local non-profit charities and government agencies to provide quick housing options for those with limited resources and/or questionable background.


We start by stabilizing the belongings and important documentation as soon as possible by providing (at no charge) security boxes for valuables and identity records. This also gives them a permanent address that is not the homeless shelter.


We then refer them to one of many local temporary job placement companies that have given our clients high priority service. Many of these "temp" jobs turn into permanent jobs with local reliable companies.


We then place them on our waiting list for the next available room. We work closely with local agencies and religious organizations that offer immediate funds for housing. We also offer initial rent gifts through our private foundation if the applicant has met all entrance requirements and they still have financial needs to meet that gap.


We then assign them duties to preform to stabilize their lives including:


  • Obtaining all needed documentation

  • Obtaining needed judicial records

  • Meeting with housing advocate to discuss local services

  • Obtaining needed medical and dental referrals to local service providers

  • Obtaining food and food services available in the local downtown area

  • We then continue to stabilize their lives by requiring mandatory self-reliance attendance.

  • Our guests then choose volunteer duties in the local community. This allows them to give back to the organizations that have helped in the process. These volunteer hours can be as little as 2 hours per month if the guest is working full time.

  •  This process builds confidence in these homeless individuals and reinforces to them that they can control their own lives with very little outside help.


We teach them that they control their own destiny and we are anxious to show them how this can be done....BY FOLLOWING OUR EXAMPLE!

Relapse Prevention Programs

As part of our Relapse Prevention Program we have an on-staff Licensed Clinical Service Worker (LCSW). Our Programs Director oversees all of our Life Skills Programs that include Relapse Prevention, AA/NA meetings, and personal advisory and referral services.


Our Life Skills Programs are available through our non-profit foundation to any group or organization that would like us to share our success principles, teaching curriculum and training/study materials. All of these services and products are offered free to these organizations or groups.

Foundation Scholarship

Most of our homeless friends who work through the process above are able to earn their own initial housing entry expenses. This gives them the confidence to move forward and continue to make more improvements in their lives.


Through our non-profit funding we have established a private scholarship program to make up any differences in housing expense fees that are needed for a new guest to move in. These funds are available to any guest, who after all has been done does not quite have the needed funds when a room has become available.


These minimum steps include:


  • Obtained all identification documentation. 

  • Chosen local charity to give service hours and arrangements have been made to begin service. 

  • Read required Self-reliance book and pass basic knowledge test.

  • Pass drug test.

  • Signed agreement to keep all house rules.

  • Provide as much initial rent possible on their own.




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